Healthcare Industry Leaders Unite Around Patient Safety at Glytec’s Inaugural Conference on Glycemic Innovation and Collaboration

Aug 31, 2021

Conference Identifies Key Strategies and Actionable Insights for Hospitals to Optimize Glycemic Management Ahead of New CMS Core Measures

WALTHAM, MASS. (August 31, 2021) – Glytec, the only provider of cloud-based insulin management software across the continuum of care, today revealed details about its inaugural conference on glycemic innovation and collaboration, “Time to Target: Uniting Around Patient Safety.” This event will provide attendees with guidance on the recently announced CMS Core Measures pertaining to glycemic management quality metrics, detailed steps to create and manage a best-in-class glycemic management program at their hospital and examples of real-world strategies to drive and implement clinical change. There is no cost to register for the conference, which will be held virtually on October 26-27, 2021.

The new CMS reporting measure indicates that CMS is striving to make severe hypoglycemia related to insulin a never event, and presses hospitals to take action to reduce these events while balancing the need to promptly treat severe hyperglycemia. Decades of research shows how uncontrolled blood glucose in the inpatient setting can have a wide range of negative impacts, including increased morbidity, mortality and complications that lead to longer lengths of stay, higher readmission rates and increased costs for patients and healthcare systems. Insulin therapy is indicated in treating one-third of all hospitalized patients – not just the 34 million Americans living with diabetes and 84 million with prediabetes – and insulin is administered on every unit and floor at each of the 6,000 hospitals across the United States. While insulin therapy is crucial for treating hyperglycemia, it must be managed safely: insulin is involved in 16.3% of medication error reports for high-alert medications in acute care settings, more than any other medication type.

“Healthcare systems have not been incentivized to measure how glycemic management impacts patient safety, and as a result, most hospitals have little to no idea of their rates of severe hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. Because there was no standard, industry-wide accepted metric, hospitals do not know how their rates compare to other healthcare systems and may be surprised to find that they’re not doing as well as they thought. The new CMS rules will be the tipping point that is needed to make optimal glycemic management a priority,” said Glytec’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Jordan Messler. “We’ve spent the better part of two decades partnering with hundreds of hospitals to help support lasting change that results in a reduction in rates of severe hyperglycemia and severe hypoglycemia. Hospital leaders need actionable information and solutions to prepare for this measure. Optimal glycemic management requires continuous improvement and the involvement of the right people, processes and technology. Our inaugural conference is a unique opportunity to bring hospital leadership, health care providers and industry leaders together to discuss approaches that will not only improve present-day glycemic management, but also prepare for the next generation of clinical innovation.”

Time to Target will feature live interactive panel discussions, keynote presentations and case studies. Featured sessions include:

● CMS Glycemic Management Measures: What You Need to Know
Dr. Gregory Maynard shares actionable insight for hospital leaders to help them prepare for the new electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs), including how they will impact a hospital’s bottom line.

● Break the Status Quo: Inpatient Glycemic Management Care & Preparing for the Future
Drs. Bruce Bode, Steven Edelman and David C. Klonoff share their expertise on current best practices, using technology to change behavior and what your team can do now to prepare for the future.

● Measuring Success: The Importance of Data and Benchmarking
Dr. Kendall Rogers explores using data to drive clinical change, defining inpatient glucometrics and insulinometrics and how technology – including Glytec’s eGMS – can support data visualization and storytelling.

● Technology Advances in the Management of Hospitalized Patients with Hyperglycemia and Diabetes
Dr. Guillermo Umpierrez discusses lessons learned from COVID-19, how technology supported the advancements many hospitals were forced to make and how these changes could impact the future of inpatient glycemic management.

All sessions from Time to Target: Uniting Around Patient Safety will be streamed live during the event and made available on-demand for registered attendees to view post-event through November 30, 2021. To learn more about the event, including the agenda, list of speakers and how to register, visit

About Glytec

Glytec is the insulin management software company for healthcare providers focused on improving the quality and cost of care. Its FDA-cleared titration software and proprietary algorithms power the only solution capable of delivering personalized diabetes treatment recommendations across the continuum of care, from hospital to home. With ongoing support from its team of doctors, nurses and technologists headquartered outside of Boston, Glytec improves outcomes and controls costs for the large population of patients requiring insulin treatment – including those with and without a diagnosis of diabetes. For more information, follow Glytec on Twitter (@Glytec) and LinkedIn, or visit

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